© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

FilmTV Reflection3

Question 3

  1. From the week 4 lecture describe at least two reasons why we ‘shoot to edit’?

One of the reasons that we ‘shoot to edit’ is because we want to have more shots from production so that we have a more series of dailies to edit from it. Editing is about options and shooting to edit is about variety. Usually the filmmakers will take multiple shots from different angles until they find the perfect shot and they will have another take from it just in case if they made a mistake from the initial shot. This is for safety reasons to avoid any mistakes from the first take or anything that ruins that shot.

Another reason is that the filmmaker does not have to be afraid of shooting everything in maximum precaution. If it were to edit on camera, the filmmaker needs to check on his timing and everything else before he hits that record button. Hence, it would be a huge hassle if a slight mistake is made. However, in shoot to edit, the filmmaker can fix the shot during post-production as if mistakes were spotted on one shot, he has the option to replace it with another back up; as this style recommends shooting and having more shots.

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