© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

Week5 symposium


What I’m getting from the symposium from this week is on Korsakow films changing the way people see the world. From the discussion on the podium, it does. Jasmine stated a little bit about her personal life when she was young on playing games like pretending she’s an alien or so. This remind me something about my personal life as well. We all have. When we were young, we create our own world and be in that world. Similar to K-films, they force you to see the world in a different perspective. It’s like taking the familiars and abstracting it.

Korsakow film is beautiful in its own ways, not for the art sake. Similar to other forms of arts such music, film, literature and so on so forth. Music is beautiful in its own ways, film is beautiful in its own ways. It doesn’t have to please the art of what people wants to see. Korsakow helps  makes you think of what kind of filmmaker you want to be.

Speaking of the way you see things, this image here has one of the elements in how people view it as. To me, I see a drug addict, who is about to have a dose of his ‘baby’, but what actually is happening is that its hurting his spirit as well. In my point of view, it can mean that he is a believer of Christ and whatever he is doing, he is hurting is God. In the Bible, it was stated that Jesus is the way of life, and he is ruining his life. In another perspective, maybe from an atheist point of view, it can be him destroying his spirit. Jesus is this picture to them could just be interpreted as his spirit



Another picture I would like to talk about would be this would be in this picture. A few days ago I saw this picture posted on my Facebook newsfeed and I find the comments were really intriguing. The narrative of this image is obvious, it’s Jesus protecting his son. One comments from an atheist gained many respect by stating that although they do not believe in God, but the image could be seen in a different angle such as life throws rocks at you, there will always be someone protecting you. Like a love in disguise? Your mom? Or your dad perhaps?



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