© 2014 cheeweihenryheng

Film TV Reflection


Question 1

  1.  In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. Many will rethink this dramatically – this is a good thing.

I was introduced to Macromedia Flash 8 and making simple animations since I was 14. From there, my passion grew and it transitions into filmmaking. Hence, in this course, my main goal is that I aim to boost my creativity in all aspects of making a film regardless in writing a script, production filmming or post production editing. I do not expect much, but I will try to grasp and learn everything I can as I am very much interested in all the three stages in making a film, and I am willing to learn everything it is to learn. I’ve dream of being a film director or producer, but I thought, what is a filmmaker if you don’t understand every bit there is. With limited source unlike big budget films we see, I hope to learn how to use critical thinking to solve the problem without degrading the quality expected. It may sound almost impossible but I thought if I would not try, I would not know. I was involved making my own shorts before and the outcome of the film was not as I imagined. I hope that this course will guide me through my mistakes.

Question 2

  1. Consider  Jasmine’s lecture on Screenwriting and briefly describe one point that you have taken from it.

    A point that excites you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with.

One of the take away ideas I have from the lecture was that Jasmine mentioned about the difference between a novel and a screenplay. A screenplay follows a regit set of ”rules” such as protagonist vs antagonist, active antagonist, and it is a journey-based plot. Besides that, unlike a novel a screenplay is a time-based medium. It is a plan, not a finished art-work and it favours the exterior over the interior. In othe words, it is more visually focused. For instance, creating a character. In a novel, the author can write pages about a character such as his or her characteristics and personalities. However, in a screenplay, it is more or less quite impossible to do so. Personality of a character in a screenplay is usually being described throughout the play unless it is aided by a narration.

Question 3

  1. Select from one of the readings from week 1 or 2 and briefly describe two points that you have taken from that reading. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you.

One of the things that excites me from the first week’s reading which was Getting An Idea was that ideas can come in any form. Regardless what it is, inspiration can come from anywhere. A photograph, music, and many more. I have never thought this through, but it does make sense. I listen to a lot of sentimental music and sometimes when the melody and lyrics is so good that you will picture a story in your head. In addition to that, from this point of the reading, it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland as the author Lewis Caroll had the idea from his dreams.

Other than that, another point that caught my attention was on the human behavior when watching a film. I find this point particularly interesting because when we watch a film, sometimes when it is so good it actually drifts the audience into it. The emotions felt by the characters can be felt by the audience as well. It is not nessasary that it has to relate to one’s real life story but once the story is being conveyed in such a way so convincing, it brings the audience into that movie’s world.





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