© 2013 cheeweihenryheng

The Joker

The Joker, hmmm… it’s really amazing how the Joker has more fans than the hero himself huh. Well, I wasn’t a Batman fan before because when I was a kid, I thought it’s ridiculous to buy superpowers. Apparently I was wrong. Money, the root of everything. LOL. Anyways, moving on; since the Dark Knight film was released in 2008, I didn’t even bother to watch it. Until the third installment was release; The Dark Knight Rises. My friends wanted to watch and so I tagged along. Then, that very day turned me into a fan. At first I didn’t understand much as they all did – like why did Bruce Wayne stays inside his mansion for 8 years and a broken leg. Eventually I got them after I bought the trilogy and watch them again and again. Believe it or not, I watched the Dark Knight like 10 times and The Dark Knight Rises probably about 8, but Batman Begins only once.

Out of the three series, I would personally say the second installment is the best- the one with Heath Ledger’s Joker. To me, Ledger’s performance outshine Bale’s. So flawless that it’s believable that he’s a serious nutcase. Most of all, the words he utters and the way he expresses them. They’re sick quotes, but still disturbingly factual. Though it’s written by Christopher and Jonathan Nolan, but still Ledger creates the feelings. You know what I noticed? It’s mostly based on the society and politics. Think about it.


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