Week 9 – Instagram Video

“Green Glass Door”

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How did you author the video you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I authored this video on my iPhone Xs Max’s rear-facing camera on the inbuilt camera function on the Instagram application, without using flash. The video was taken as one continuous shot, as I walked through the sliding doors.

To edit this video I used the Instagram application and filters provided. I used the filter ‘Lark’ again and turned it down to ’50′ strength in order to ensure the video would have a similar aesthetic to the photo which I had posted before. I also muted the audio in the clip as there was a lot of background noise due to the very public area which I filmed the video. The ‘cover’ which I chose for the video was the opening frame and I chose this as it gave the clearest depiction of the sliding doors.

Similarly to when I was taking this week’s photo, I found the square format in the Instagram application quite limiting when authoring this video.

How did you publish the video you recorded for upload to Instagram?

This was the only video which I recorded this week as I was quite happy with the colours in it and the movement of the two sliding doors opening. I also thought it was quite interesting that when the second sliding door opened it lead straight into a pole, meaning that any student’s (or teacher’s) who happened to be looking at their phones may walk straight into it!

For this video, I also added the location ‘RMIT University.’ The caption I chose was ‘Green Glass Doors’ as the doors reminded me of the riddle game called ‘Green Glass Door.’ I also chose to post some hashtags, such as #door, #slidingdoor and #video, in a comment, straight after posting my photo. By posting the hashtags in the comment, it means my caption stays short and minimal looking, however still allows my photo to be seen by a wider audience.

How did you distribute the video you recorded for upload to Instagram?

As with the photo for this week, to distribute this video I shared it to my Twitter and Tumblr accounts. The process was seamless and very user-friendly. As previously mentioned, my use of hashtags allowed my video to be seen by a wider audience, as it now has two views and three likes.


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