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Tag workshop

Feedbacks-PB4 Rough Cut

This week we received some feedbacks for our PB4 rough cut from Brian and the guests he brought. The rough cut we had was really rough. It only contains an intro and the interviews we are going to include in… Continue Reading →

Audio practice piece

We did an audio practice piece with a theme of attachment to your own media devices this week. The theme seems really interesting to me. The time we are living in now, it is almost impossible to live without a… Continue Reading →

Sound texture

SOUND TEXTURE. New vocabulary learned. Before I start this media course, I think of this “sound texture” thing as an assumption. When I hear someone’s voice, I automatically assume it is from someone. Now I know there is this phrase… Continue Reading →

Practicing audio recording

Since project brief 4 is about audio recording, we did some audio recording practices in a group of 3 this week. Time flies so fast and it is almost the end of the semester. Holiday is finally coming, BUT this… Continue Reading →

Week 8 workshop

During week 8’s workshop we tried a new way of giving each other feedbacks. Since everyone’s video is almost finished, we decided to ask our group members what kind of feedback do we want to hear about. It is another… Continue Reading →

Long shot video

This video “The Encounter” is an experimental long shot video we did during week 6’s workshop. We worked in a group of three and filmed this video with a theme of “misunderstanding”. The scene we chose to film is a… Continue Reading →

Interview practice

During the week 5 workshop, we did a interview practice with a Sony MC50 camera. However, we encountered quite a few problems during the filming process. We did this as a group of 3. None of us has done an… Continue Reading →

Feedbacks can really help you to improve

In this week’s workshop, we shared our ideas and rough-cut of PB2 assessment within our groups after our teacher showed us examples of other students’ PB2 video. I found the examples look quite different with my rough cut, because they… Continue Reading →

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