This graph is what we did in the last lectorial class, to sum up the whole semester. Purple line is conceptual, blue line means technical skills, yellow line means professionalism and the brown line means practices. Through out the semester… Continue Reading →
I did a little sound collage as the intro of my PB4. I used it to stimulate a scene of someone trying to write an essay but got distracted by social media notifications. One of the feedbacks I received was… Continue Reading →
This week we received some feedbacks for our PB4 rough cut from Brian and the guests he brought. The rough cut we had was really rough. It only contains an intro and the interviews we are going to include in… Continue Reading →
During this week’s lectorial, our guest lecturer Dr Ramon Lobato told us some information about Netflix and television industry. I already knew that broadcasting TV channels’ role in the industry is getting smaller but it still surprised me that 25 percent… Continue Reading →
During this week’s lectorial, our guest lecturer Kyla talked a lot about sound and audio making techniques. She gave us some useful advices on how to put an audio piece together. The one I found most useful is choose two… Continue Reading →
SOUND TEXTURE. New vocabulary learned. Before I start this media course, I think of this “sound texture” thing as an assumption. When I hear someone’s voice, I automatically assume it is from someone. Now I know there is this phrase… Continue Reading →
“13 reasons why” is a TV show produced by Netflix. A story about how a high school student got bullied and decided to kill her self so she can get rid of her tragic life. This show is extremely depressing… Continue Reading →
Since project brief 4 is about audio recording, we did some audio recording practices in a group of 3 this week. Time flies so fast and it is almost the end of the semester. Holiday is finally coming, BUT this… Continue Reading →
This week our lectorial is about collaboration and research. It may not seem obvious but when you actually think about it, our life is full of collaborations. However why do we need to work with others? Simplest reason is, doing… Continue Reading →
During this week’s lectorial, we watched a clip from “BBC Planet Earth II”. I wasn’t curious about why are all these snakes chasing one target together or how did they let the target escape, I was interested in how did… Continue Reading →
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