My Media 1 Blog

Just another Media Factory site



Controversy in media content

For project brief 4 I’m doing a discuss audio, basically I’m giving out my own opinion about our discuss topic. When it comes to personal opinion, audience might agree with you or disagree with you. When they disagree with your… Continue Reading →

Signature vioces

I have been a fan of rap music for many years, and in my opinion, other than rhymes and flows, the voice of the rapper is one of the most important elements of the songs.  This week we discussed and listened… Continue Reading →

Follow your passion…….?

In the beginning of the video, Cal Newport mentioned an idea of “follow your passion” will get you to love what you do for living, but he denied this statement right after he mentioned it because it is wrong. In my… Continue Reading →

Do more than what’s required

During the week 3 workshop, we looked at a few examples of project brief 2 done by other students. I realized one thing. They all had more footage than me. The requirement of our project brief 2 assessment was to… Continue Reading →

The importance of “closure”

In this week’s reading, we read a comic about “closure”, it talked about how its used and the definition of it, and it got me thinking about its importance in media. According to Scott McCloud, ‘Blood In The Gutter’ closure is… Continue Reading →

Feedbacks can really help you to improve

In this week’s workshop, we shared our ideas and rough-cut of PB2 assessment within our groups after our teacher showed us examples of other students’ PB2 video. I found the examples look quite different with my rough cut, because they… Continue Reading →

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