My Media 1 Blog

Just another Media Factory site



Textures of metal

After a week of noticing, I managed to take 5 photos of things that got me interested. I still chose to take those photos based on the theme of finding the beauty in life. It means finding those very detailed… Continue Reading →

Result of noticing

My partner Alex and I lives quite near each other, so we decided to choose a location that is near us, but also somewhere we have not been there a lot. After some discovering I finally managed to collect everything… Continue Reading →

Noticing the change

  These are 4 photos I took during different time periods of a sunset. All the camera setting are the same. As shown in the pictures, 30 minutes of difference can really make a huge impact to the lighting during… Continue Reading →

Let’s start noticing natural lighting

I have been a huge fan of light painting photography since the day I bought my first DSLR camera. Playing with light actually started my photography road. Actually, not just light painting, all kinds of photos are highly related to… Continue Reading →

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