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Tag media1

Internet and privacy

We watched a documentary about Internet and privacy during week 6’s lectorial. It pointed out that most people tend to think using google (or other search engines and social media sites) to find what they need is free. However it… Continue Reading →

Improve old skills and learn new skills

We had a self-portrait video festival in week 5’s workshop. It was fascinating to watch all of these self-portrait videos at once. By the time we finished watching all of them I found everyone had a huge improvement from the… Continue Reading →

Interview practice

During the week 5 workshop, we did a interview practice with a Sony MC50 camera. However, we encountered quite a few problems during the filming process. We did this as a group of 3. None of us has done an… Continue Reading →

Importance of questions

During this week’s lectorial, we received some tips for our next assessment. Project brief 3 is about a portrait based on an interview. Our guest lecturer Louise Turley taught us about the art of interview. After the class, I thought… Continue Reading →

Project Brief 2: Self-portrait

I named my video as “Me, Myself and I” because it straightforwardly tells my audience this video is about my life. I split the video into 4 parts. The first 3 parts are basically showing my 3 biggest hobbies, and… Continue Reading →

How I got passionate to photography

  We discussed about Cal Newport “Follow your passion is bad” in both lecture and workshop this week. He said we should think about what we should do after we get going instead of how are we going to start…. Continue Reading →

Learn from others and gain more knowledge

In this week’s workshop, we shared our final cut (or nearly final cut) within our groups. However this time we didn’t just give each other feedbacks, we also shared our experience making this video. For example where did we find… Continue Reading →

Follow your passion…….?

In the beginning of the video, Cal Newport mentioned an idea of “follow your passion” will get you to love what you do for living, but he denied this statement right after he mentioned it because it is wrong. In my… Continue Reading →

Do more than what’s required

During the week 3 workshop, we looked at a few examples of project brief 2 done by other students. I realized one thing. They all had more footage than me. The requirement of our project brief 2 assessment was to… Continue Reading →

The importance of “closure”

In this week’s reading, we read a comic about “closure”, it talked about how its used and the definition of it, and it got me thinking about its importance in media. According to Scott McCloud, ‘Blood In The Gutter’ closure is… Continue Reading →

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