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Tag lectorial

Week12 Lectorial

This graph is what we did in the last lectorial class, to sum up the whole semester. Purple line is conceptual, blue line means technical skills, yellow line means professionalism and the brown line means practices. Through out the semester… Continue Reading →

Netflix taking over?

During this week’s lectorial, our guest lecturer Dr Ramon Lobato told us some information about Netflix and television industry. I already knew that broadcasting TV channels’ role in the industry is getting smaller but it still surprised me that 25 percent… Continue Reading →

Advice on editing audio piece

During this week’s lectorial, our guest lecturer Kyla talked a lot about sound and audio making techniques. She gave us some useful advices on how to put an audio piece together. The one I found most useful is choose two… Continue Reading →

Teamwork and media industry

This week our lectorial is about collaboration and research. It may not seem obvious but when you actually think about it, our life is full of collaborations. However why do we need to work with others? Simplest reason is, doing… Continue Reading →

Difference between audiences and fans

This week’s lectorial is about “audiences and fandom”. We learned about what audiences and fans means to media and what kind of people will care about what audiences thinks. Audiences and fans both watch or follow media, but in a… Continue Reading →

Internet and privacy

We watched a documentary about Internet and privacy during week 6’s lectorial. It pointed out that most people tend to think using google (or other search engines and social media sites) to find what they need is free. However it… Continue Reading →

Importance of questions

During this week’s lectorial, we received some tips for our next assessment. Project brief 3 is about a portrait based on an interview. Our guest lecturer Louise Turley taught us about the art of interview. After the class, I thought… Continue Reading →

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