My Media 1 Blog

Just another Media Factory site



Stereo sound is really cool

I did a little sound collage as the intro of my PB4. I used it to stimulate a scene of someone trying to write an essay but got distracted by social media notifications. One of the feedbacks I received was… Continue Reading →

Controversy in media content

For project brief 4 I’m doing a discuss audio, basically I’m giving out my own opinion about our discuss topic. When it comes to personal opinion, audience might agree with you or disagree with you. When they disagree with your… Continue Reading →

Signature vioces

I have been a fan of rap music for many years, and in my opinion, other than rhymes and flows, the voice of the rapper is one of the most important elements of the songs.  This week we discussed and listened… Continue Reading →

Animal photography

During this week’s lectorial, we watched a clip from “BBC Planet Earth II”. I wasn’t curious about why are all these snakes chasing one target together or how did they let the target escape, I was interested in how did… Continue Reading →

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