David Lynch’s film “Lost Highway” is one of our most important inspirations for this film project. I like the creepy atmosphere throughout the whole film and how he mixed up story lines to make the film more mysterious and harder… Continue Reading →
Today is the second last shooting day in our first film project. We are shooting the indoor scenes that show how the female character is struggling without her boy friend, know her phone call is what caused her boyfriend’s death,… Continue Reading →
As we planned last week, we are going to shoot the memories scenes at the night market today, and I will make up all the scenes I lost last week. HOWEVER, the night market is closed, and last week was… Continue Reading →
Today we are shooting the scenes of our female character walking around in the city to relieve herself and also think about her boyfriend who just died. The locations of today’s shooting are Melbourne Central, Yarra River and inside… Continue Reading →
In our plan, we had a few scenes to shoot in the Victoria Market with both our characters to be a part of the memories. However, it is very difficult to find a day when everyone is free, so we… Continue Reading →
Because of the failure of last shooting, we had to do a same shooting and make sure everything is focused. Also to stick to the schedule, we have to finish every scene related to the car crash, including the scenes… Continue Reading →
To help us plan the rest of the shooting days, we decided to make a storyboard to state out everything. However, none of us in the group can draw, we asked our drawer friend Jacob to help us with it…. Continue Reading →
In our project, the female character indirectly caused the death of her boyfriend, which became the cause of her future mental illness. This is also a quite common plot in movies and TV series. When a person gets a huge… Continue Reading →
In our first shooting, we will be shooting the car crash scenes. Because we are going to move around a lot with huge lighting kits, we decided not to use film camera for this project and just use the DSLR… Continue Reading →
This week we have started working on Film project 1. This is also my first time doing a proper film project, so I am actually feeling a little lost in the beginning. For this project I teamed up with… Continue Reading →
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