My Media 1 Blog

Just another Media Factory site



Week 5: Interviews

Interview is a big part of documentary because most of the information in the documentary will be communicated through interviews/vox pops. Same for my film, I will need a lot of information from the interview in order to answer my… Continue Reading →

Week 4: Documentary structures

Linear structure: Linear structure is a quite basic structure that can be easily used in a documentary. According to Fox (2018) it’s a “three-act dramatic structure with a beginning, a middle, and an end.” (p.96) If I am using this… Continue Reading →

Assignment 1: Video Essay and Film Analysis

  Film analysis: Jiro Dreams Of Sushi The film I have chosen is “Jiro Dreams Of Sushi” (2012). This is a film that documented the story of Jiro Ono, who is an 85-year old (during the shooting) top tier sushi… Continue Reading →

Week 3: Short documentary

The film I have chosen is “Black Sheep”(2019) by Ed Perkins. I like this film because it is an expository film, that protagonist of the story himself is slowing telling the audience a story of him trying to fit in… Continue Reading →

Week 2: Documentary modes

I have always been a big fan of cultures, and one of the reasons is that culture is related to foods in many cases. When I discover a country’s culture, food from that country is one of the first few… Continue Reading →

Week 1: Food On Film

After the first two classes, I have had a more detailed look at the “Food On Film” studio. The part I am most interested in is definitely the shooting techniques of documentaries. Before the classes, I have always thought that… Continue Reading →

Film festival

On the website I found a horror film festival called “Love Horror Short Film Festival” and I think it is very suitable for our final project. This film festival is a sister festival to the Sacramento Horror Film Festival… Continue Reading →

Final film

Project 2 final reflection

As the last project of this semester, I think it’s only right if we do our best and use everything we learned in this studio. To me, one of the things I learned throughout this semester is teamwork. This is… Continue Reading →

Final changes for exhibition

Today, James and us met in the editing suite and did a few changes to the films so we can put the best version in the exhibition.   First problem we had was in “Lost”, the part of the girl… Continue Reading →

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