This is a short film produced by Wong Fu Production. The film is mainly about how the relationship between a couple gets colder among time. At the end of the film the male character was holding a pen and about do draw something and the film ended when he was going to draw the line. It leaves the audience to imagine what he was going to draw instead of showing a happy ending.
This kind of ending is actually really popular and highly used in film production, especially western films. The director might show some hints or leave a blank at the end of the film, which makes it some much more interesting to watch. It creates conversations and discussions between audiences. For movies with sequels it give audience something to look forward to. For example at the end of “Batman vs Superman” the coffin of Superman shook when everyone thought he was dead. It gave the audience a lot of things to look forward to and created countless discussions on the Internet.
It’s interesting to explore some techniques other media makers used and I would like to use them in my future videos if there’s an appropriate opportunity.
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