During week 1’s workshop, everyone talked about the kinds of media they recently used or watched. Tv programs, Tv serises, movies and social media apps. Four most popular kinds of media at the moment. It amazed me a little when I realize they are all huge parts of my life.
I’m currently watching 8 different Tv serises, 1 Tv program and 1 anime so everyday I come home there’s always something to watch. Normally it takes me at least two hours a day to finish all the shows I’m following. Which is quite a lot of time when I think about it(more than 14 hours a week). Movie is something I watch randomly in my life. I might finish the whole Iron Man series in a day, but it is also possible for me to not watch any movie in a week. However it is still a big part of my daily life, it is the first thing I will go to if I have a long period of spare time. During the workshop we mentioned we are in the golden age of social media. It surprised me when I found out I only use 3 different social media apps when my friends are using 5 or even more.
I’m spending so much time on different types of media that I can not imagine a life without them. it is fascinating how rapidly media industries are growing and the role media play in our daily life. The world is changing in a crazy speed, maybe tomorrow there will be another app going viral and take over the internet. We never know.
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