During this week’s lectorial, our guest lecturer Kyla talked a lot about sound and audio making techniques. She gave us some useful advices on how to put an audio piece together.
The one I found most useful is choose two of the most powerful bits of content and put one at front and the more powerful one at the climax which is close to the end. It could really help with the structure of my work. It will make it more smooth and fluent. This is the first time I’m doing an audio piece like this, especially when I am responsible for the editing part in my group, this advice can be extremely helpful.
The other one about using sounds in a creatively way also enlightened me. One of the requirements for this assessment is to include made materials, which means I will have to consider where to put in different kinds of interesting sounds to give my audience a more surprised feeling.
Also don’t do any exposition is quite important…. Well that one I already know haha.
Trying out new things is fun but also worrying, these advices did give me some useful information about this assessment. I hope this assessment will help me get better at audio making for my future courses.
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