For the last project, we didnt have a script, because we almost made the film by separate ideas we had in mind. We found it quite informal and inappropriate so we made a storyboard just to clear things up. But this time we are making a more complicated film, with more characters, relationships and also conversations. We think we should write a script so our actors can understand it better and when we are shooting, it will save a lot of time for us and make sure we dont miss out any scenes. Its also a new thing for us, so when we are writing the first edition, e had to make a lot of changes. Heres a look….

This edition is five pages long, and full of unnecessary scenes, so we had to cut of some of the scenes and conversations in order to have a more fluent flow and a better story. Here is the final script:



Jane is lying on the bed. She is covering herself with the sheet and she can not stop shaking.

It was raining heavily outside (sounds of wind, rain and thunder)

She heard a conversation of arguing,it is from outside of her room.

She slowly get up and walk to the door to see what happen.

She saw her mother and brother arguing about something from the crack between the door.



Luke is arguing/fighting (angry) with mon.(standing,more body language)

Jane looks evil.



Mom is having a shower. (POV – a peak)

Suddenly, the light go off.

She close and water and get a tower.

She wants to get the flashlight from the cabinet.(Medium shot)

She turn on the flashlight.

When she close the cabinet, a shadow with a knife appeared.

She is scared.

The flashlight drops on the ground.

In the background, someone is stabbing her. (or shadow)

Close up to mon’s face, with blood. Close up to hand. and eyes (with screaming)

The murderer dropped the knife, and leave.

Close up to mom’s eye.

Close up to the flashlight.

Screaming (mom)

No.. (luke)

Luke was pushed to the stair (medium shot and close-up)



Jane suddenly wake up from the nightmare(Her mom was killed by someone) She get out of the bed and run to the bathroom.


Her mother is lying behind her with white dress and blood in the bathtub. “Mom” She tries to wake her mom up(gently). (There is no response.)



Jane is standing there. She finds that Luke is also died. (POV shot to each other, with light on face) – scare – medium shot

She is so scare and escapes from there. She runs into her own room.


She scrunches herself into a corner besides the mirror.

She cannot stop shaking.


Don’t kill me… Don’t kill me (whisper)

She is sweating.

Memories (pieces)


We can’t let her stay here anymore. She is dangerous now. She needs help, so do us.


She should stay in here, she is our family!

Woman (close up)

No, no,no… Luke, listen to me, listen to me! She is my daughter. I love her. I love her more than myself. But she needs help, she need….(start crying in the man’s bosom…)

Then she uses hands to wipe away the sweat. When she looks at the hand, she finds there is blood on her hand. She’s so scare.

Memories (pieces)

Evil Jane pushed Luke. – low angle

She feels like there are somebody there. She slowly looks up. There is nobody there. (Sound) She turns to the right. There is someone standing at the door. –

Evil Jane is holding a knife with blood on hand.

Jane screaming (close-up to mouth)


the end.

I am not in charge of the script writing, but after I read the whole script, I can clearly see the scenes and I know how the scenes should look like. Having a script indeed helped us to understand the story better and also got me to pay more attention to details.