
This film is showing the process of a person recovering from losing an important person in life. The film has a lot of flashes of words and close-up shots showing details of objects as leads to help the audience link everything up in order to understand the whole story.


The composition in this film is very interesting. There are a lot of off focus shots and extreme close-up shots used. A scene flashes a car coming towards the camera was used for multiple times. In my opinion that scene is representing the accident that took the life of his loved one. That scene is the main reason everything else in the film happened and that is also the memory the film-maker couldn’t get it out of his head.


The overall pace of this film is slow. The film maker used a slow piano music in combination with sound effect like clock ticking and raining. The piano music also changes as the main character recovers from the incident. At the beginning the music was slow, quiet and sad, but it became louder, happier and more relaxed after he moved on and have a more positive attitude in life.


The color is also an important part of this film. The transition from black and white into the colorful world perfectly showed the changes he experienced. It is also the evidence showing he has successfully moved on and he is having a normal happy life just like everyone else in the world.


I like this film because it looks beautiful to me. It shows the healing process of a men after he suffered a big misfortune. The process is slow and misery but he managed to overcome the difficulties. The editing also looks very good, I like the way he used flashes of images to link up everything to tell the story.