My Media 1 Blog

Just another Media Factory site


July 2018

Links to Assignment 1 posts ‎ ‎…ing-reflection-1/…ing-reflection-2/  

Experimental film making reflection 2

In this video I focused on the pace of it more then the previous one. From the beginning of the small lighting swing into the rapid changing light bulbs I was trying to achieve a abstract look and I am… Continue Reading →

Experimental film making reflection 1

For my movement video I have used photographs and videos to create a work based on the theme of “Movement of water”. For the photographs I experimented the different effects created by different shutter speeds when I am shooting photos… Continue Reading →

Experimental film review 2

Wake This film is showing the process of a person recovering from losing an important person in life. The film has a lot of flashes of words and close-up shots showing details of objects as leads to help the audience… Continue Reading →

Experimental film review 1

Follow Follow is an experimental film showing the process of pursuing an moving red light in a forest. The film does not have any character or conversation in it, but it used the movement of camera to guide the audience… Continue Reading →

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