My task 4 project will be based on the theme of “finding the beauty in your daily lives” and I will mainly focus on the objects people use or see everyday. I will look for the special parts of these objects and take photos of them. It can be the textures, shapes or colors of them, sometimes these things will be ignored by people because these are very ordinary objects but if I collect a lot of these special parts and make them a series of photos, the visual effect will surely be astonishing.

During week 9 we made a chart containing the “biggest things, big things and small things” of our project. This helped me to clear my thoughts and make the process of my project a lot easier to understand.  Here is the information I put into the chart.

Biggest things:

  1. To find the beauty of everyday objects.
  2. To notice things others normally ignores.

Big things:

  1. Notice the special texture, color and shape of everyday objects that people don’t usually notice.

Small things (steps):

  1. Write down a list of everyday objects.
  2. Send it to 5 friends of mine.
  3. Ask them to send me photos of these objects. (Choose 5 out of the 10 objects and find a special part of them to take a photo of.)
  4. Ask them what they noticed in those photos.
  5. See what I can notice out of those photos.
  6. Choose the ones I’m interested in and borrow those objects.
  7. Take a photo to express what I noticed.
  8. Take photos of other objects I found by myself.
  9. Combine all the photos to make it a series.

There are also risks for this project. Some people might think it’s too annoying to take photos of 5 objects and they also have to find special things to take photos of. Due to some reasons it is possible that I can’t borrow some particular items from my friends but I will do my best to collect the photos I want.

I also made a timeline for this project so I can manage my process better.


Week9-10: Finish the list and send them to my friends.

Week10-11: Get the photos from my friends at the end of week 10. At the same time start noticing objects on my own and take photos of them. Start contacting my friends and borrow the objects I’m interested in from them to take photos.

Week11-12: Finish taking photos.

Week12-13: Finish all the blog posts. Make sure everything is alright, solve the problems if there is any.

I have already sent the list to my friends and I’m looking forward to the photos they will provide me in the future.