After the first week of experimenting I did managed to notice things in a more natural way. Before this experiment, which is the time I was doing Task 2, I was highly depending on my list of things I need to collect. I was literally dong one thing on the list at the time, and drawing a tick beside the things I finished. In my opinion that was very unnatural. During the second half of my experiment I found myself noticing new things automatically, did not even need a list or an alarm to notify myself to notice things. Now I will focus on details more than I used to, especially for the ones that can help me with my photography.

Reflection on my computer screen

For example, I took this photo during my elective class. I just found the weather outside the window is looking very good and there is a reflection of it on my computer screen. I immediately took this photo. For me it is an improvement, because I noticed and collected this moment myself, without the help of anything. It was a natural move, just like the purpose of this experiment. This is a huge step up for me, John Maison mentioned this in his article “one mark of an expert is that their sensitivity to notice certain things is integrated into their professional functioning so that all they are aware of is an possibility to act, but not necessarily of the distinctions which trigger that act.” Which means by the help of this experiment I’m closer to an expert than I used to be. I’m more aware of noticing beautiful things in life and finding the beauty of things. Due to results like this I think my experiment worked very well and I achieved my purpose. However there are still one part that I could have done better.

During the experiment I did not set a regular alarm for the week so there was one day I forgot to set an alarm. Because of that I didn’t take a photo for that day. The alarm I set was random, although the accident did end up helping me with the progress and reminded me not to forget about the experiment again, it is still a mistake. I should have set a regular alarm for the whole week.

After this experiment I would like to explore how can I use videos to express the information(what I noticed and is trying to show) in a better way. It was also a question I raised at the end of task 2. I think as a piece of media showing the thing I noticed, the most important thing is to make sure the expression of the piece is clear, and it has to be visually impressive. Those two things will be to key parts of my Experiment-2.