My partner Alex and I lives quite near each other, so we decided to choose a location that is near us, but also somewhere we have not been there a lot. After some discovering I finally managed to collect everything on the list Alex and I made. Here are the results.

Interesting looking gate above me

A piece of glass on the ground

A cigarette butt on the ground

The Lover’s Walk logo on the ground


Reflection of the trees

I collected these media after an hour of exploration, most of my predictions are correct. I did actually find pieces of glass and cigarette butts on the ground, also graffiti on the wall and trains passing by. However I did not expect to see an apartment building here, I thought The Lover’s Walk is just a tiny street surrounded by trees with a train station near it. The photo of something above me is the gate of The Lover’s Walk, how it is asymmetric also surprised me, the red color also showed a strong contrast with the blue sky and green leaves. When I played all of my media back, I found the texture of the ground very interesting. The way the ground cracks looks very nice in a photograph, the texture is also different in different sections. When I looked at the photo of the flowers closely, I noticed the glitter in the flower(probably a reflection of the sun light) was well captured in the photo, I did see it when I was taking the photo but the visual image this photo is showing impressed me. In my opinion the similarity between my media pieces is they are relatively detailed. During my making process I was trying to make them show what I noticed and look as good as possible at the same time. Every piece also has a very unique texture.

Alex and I discussed about the location and she took a detailed look at my media, here is a list of what she noticed:

Sound piece: This piece was very ambient and made the area feel so spacious and surreal as opposed to when I remember actually being there where I felt surrounded by the hustle and bustle of South Yarra. There was a lot of movement and flow and the loud brash sound of trains passing contrasted with the peaceful sound of birds and quiet chatter of people passing.

Videos: These pieces felt very urban, I specifically noticed more than being there myself all of the different colours and contrasting hues of painted brick walls, graffiti and the bright green of the shrub around the train tracks. I noticed the combination of the urban environment and the natural growth around it made the area seem so different looking back at captured media; actually being there felt a little bit less artistic and I more specifically remember all of the litter always scattered down the path. Again, Zane’s captured media offered a sense of ambience that actually being in a place can’t and I picked up on a lot more of the varying textures of all of the different surface and the subtle sounds of the surrounding streets in the background.

Reflection: I noticed in Zane’s picture of a building above him lots of contrasting shapes and angles. After seeing this one I realized I was noticing the sky and skyline in every piece of media and the lighting that the sun brings to each one. I noticed straight lines, fences, boundaries and a sense of enclosement.

Nature: This photo was really delicate, detailed and beautiful and definitely not something I would have noticed walking down Lover’s Walk myself. It again had beautiful and contrasting lighting and a sense of closeness and detail that I would never have picked up on. Zane’s entire collection offers a sense of beauty in the detail of everything rather than the general ‘vibe’ that I associate with the space when actually present.

Ground: I noticed a lot of Australian flora and everything contrasted by dark textured concrete. There a sense of beauty in even the litter that of course wasn’t that noticeable or special when I’ve been there. In the photo of the metallic Lover’s Walk on the ground I noticed the lighting and again, the texture of the ground in huge detail.

Above: Again I noticed straight lines, flooding sunlight, the beauty of the surrounding nature and the perception of the area as luscious and romantic rather than littered and surrounding by scrub.

After looking and discussing about the things I noticed, Alex showed me what she noticed in Chapel Street/Toorak Road, South Yarra.

Things on the ground 1

Things on the ground 2


Things on the ground 3 (a piece of mirror)



Something above her

It is interesting to see how someone else showing somewhere I’m so familiar with through different forms of media. I can even recognize the place each media was taken. There are three photos that really caught my eye. First one is the one noticing nature. Those weeds on the ground are something I did not notice on my way home everyday. Same for the one showing moss on the ground. The piece of broken mirror also surprised me a lot. It made me wonder where does it even come from? Watching those videos she recorded actually feels like I’m on my way home again. Most of the things in her media are familiar to me, but those things on the ground really surprised me, because those are some things I will normally ignore in daily life.

Since Alex and I are noticing things based on the same list, the result of ours look quite similar. They are all detailed and are about the surrounding. We all took photos of objects, recorded videos of landscapes and recorded an audio. In my opinion, although the style we are using to showcase what we noticed looks quite different, the theme and the way we noticed things are quite similar.