We watched a documentary about Internet and privacy during week 6’s lectorial. It pointed out that most people tend to think using google (or other search engines and social media sites) to find what they need is free. However it is not, we are all “paying” them other personal information and letting them read our cookies.
It’s interesting to know our personal info isn’t that personal anymore, so many people can know something about us by looking at our social media pages, even if you make it private there is always something others can see (for example your profile picture). Last year an online seller accidentally posted my home address into a group chat and it got me furious because I felt unsecured when some strangers know the place I live. Then a friend of mine told me there’s no need to be angry, I leaked a lot of personal info already when I bought all the items online. Basically every online seller I ever bought anything from knows my name, my phone number and my home address. It’s actually pretty scary when I actually think about it.
It’s shocking how the whole society relies on the Internet and trusting it. At the same time we don’t really have a choice but to trust since this is the way this world works now.
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