During this week’s lectorial, we received some tips for our next assessment. Project brief 3 is about a portrait based on an interview. Our guest lecturer Louise Turley taught us about the art of interview.

After the class, I thought about the points she mentioned and processed them in my head. In my opinion, the first question is the most important part of an interview. An interview is all about getting as much information as possible out of the interviewee, so how to ask the question is extremely important, especially at the beginning. If the interview is started in a good way with a helpful question, it will help the rest of the interview to be smooth and successful. On the other hand, if the first question is a close-ended question, the information you get from the answer will be very limited, for a rookie like me, the conversation might start getting awkward and hard to maintain. In the end it will be a failed interview because I did not get enough information for the video.

This lectorial really helped me to start my PB3 more smoothly and gained a lot more knowledge.