In this week’s workshop, we shared our ideas and rough-cut of PB2 assessment within our groups after our teacher showed us examples of other students’ PB2 video.

I found the examples look quite different with my rough cut, because they all had so many different shots in so many perspectives. What I thought was” They all look so much better then mine.” So I started looking for the reason. First we had a discussion in our group, and used the “hat” system to give each other feedbacks. My group members told me I could express the information better and improve the whole movement of the video. My teacher told me I can add more footage and show my ideas from different perspectives. These are all very useful for me to improve my video.

After the workshop I finally found the reason why the examples looked better then my video. I was too obsessed about our requirement, which is to include 4 images, 3 audios and 2 videos in our clip. So what I did was a clip of 4 images, 3 audios and 2 videos. I didn’t step out of the box and do more. The clip can be so much better if I added more images and videos, it will not only express the information better but also improve the whole movement of the video! Feedbacks really helped me a lot, now I have a new idea for this assessment and it can make it so much better.