The prevalence of media in our everyday lives is extraordinary. The media is literally everywhere, whether we notice it or not. As we walk down the street, or as we check our phone before going to sleep, we are exposed to media.

With my group I was assigned to visit the State Library and observe the media surrounding. What surprised me initially was the lack of advertisements of products but more advertisements for social movements. There were posters and banners promoting protests, conferences, donations and charity works. Any other form of advertisement media had an educational background. So I guess even in the media field there are constrains to advertising. The media in the library are all relevant to an audience who frequent the library. Just by stereotyping, we can assume that someone in the library would be more interested in a protest rather than someone shopping at Emporium.

while there weren’t direct advertisements or billboards in the library, there was free wifi. i noticed as i walked past the computer section that many people were using facebook and as a result exposed to ads and media through that portal. There seems to be no escaping media, but i guess thats what defines this generation. we live in a world where all the information is a click away, it’s upto us how we consume and make use of media!

Pictured below: media in the State Library

