About Me

A recent RMIT Media and Communications graduate who is a complete aficionado for all things related to the arts of film, television and media.

A big dreamer, who hopes to one day have a cuppa with the directorial sensation – and definite inspiration – Nora Ephron (because Julia & Julia is a masterpiece for a self-proclaimed Francophile), produce television shows, feature films and Broadway plays, and to also compose the title for half a song to be featured in a New York marquee.

Bon ideé!

2 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thanks for the kind words!

    I found your blog when browsing the net, and am really taken by your insights.

    I’ve just returned from a visit to Gallipoli, an extraordinary site of memory and site of mourning.

    Good luck with the rest of your studies



    1. Thank you, sir!

      What an incredible compliment from someone such as you and I thank you kindly. I’ve always had a fascination with Gallipoli after studying WWI in high-school. I’ll be going on my travels to America soon, and shall endeavour to continue journalling my insights.

      Thank you so very much again!

      Kindest regards,

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