TV-rhythmia and logging my “productivity”

They say, don’t be a couch potato if you don’t want to lose a year. I said that, but I also fail at actually realising that because I signed up for a class titled Television Cultures and we are more than encouraged to well, be a couch potato.

Oh, aren’t I living the dream?

Well, I mostly have digital copies of my favourite shows thanks to friends, romans and countrymen, and even when I got Netflix, I pretty much only use it to watch throwback favourites like you know, Lion King or whatever. And I want to watch Vampire Diaries but it’s not updated, and I want to binge on something like Orange is the New Black but I am constantly distracted by the “Suggestions for you”.

Epitome of First World Problems, isn’t it?

Television Cultures is surprisingly an interesting approach to the study of this century’s TV consumption. As per anecdote above, you can see a kind of digital dilemma that perhaps, more than one of you dear readers have faced yourselves in your entertainment-mongering happy hour/s.

Here’s a list anyway:

  • Orange is the New Black
  • The Last Kingdom
  • Suits
  • An anime or two – I just watched “Kids on the Slope” and I’m feeling rather jazzy.

And then maybe I’ll do some reviews, I don’t know. But don’t count on it because I cannot even finish a chapter two. I will do my best in expanding on this current study and maybe provide a good read on reflections and discussions.

Here’s to leaving you with featured image above. See if I can elaborate on that a bit more on my next post.

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