The River of Time Series – Lisa Tawn Bergren

The River of Time Series – Lisa Tawn Bergren.

From a scale of 1 to Carrie Underwood announcing her pregnancy during America’s Labour Day, nothing can give you contractions from your very soul than this book series. A current read, just finished and still being harpooned on all sides with emotional trauma.

But it is a very good trauma. Something you want to re-live over and over again just because it is so. dang. beautiful. *cries a behemoth*

Bows and arrows, blood and guts and hanging, and favourite people dying.
(I could almost write a song about it.)
Gorgeous Italian young women for the men, GORGEOUS Italian men for the ladies. Ooh, lots of time-travelling and kickin’ Fiorentini butt.

I see nowhere than that-a-where. It’s historical, medieval fiction at its finest!

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