Symposium notes



One week of classes left…



Alrighty, so again didn’t go to the symposium this week. Why? Because, I have other things to do. And thanks to those that did go and then blogged about it I can read your notes.

It seems like there was a bit of discussion around databases and how they are not just for the internet. There are loads of other types of databases listed here.

Wikipedia says that databases are: created to operate large quantities of information by inputting, storing, retrieving and managing that information. Databases are set up so that one set of software programs provides all users with access to all the data.

The information stored in Databases is non-sequential and therefore not linear and cannot form a narrative #nobeginningmiddleend #hyperlinks #yourlifeisnotastory #iveheardthisbefore #hashtagswithnopurpose

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