Korsakow Blog Entry: Week 6

It was this week that I truly started to see my korsakow film come together. I was able to understand how to use the main aspects of the software. Despite my film only doing what was required of the assignment, it still felt like an accomplishment to me. Inserting text, creating snus and uploading clips/pictures in correct aspect ratio were the main points of the assignment. I was able to for fill these requirement.

I did experience difficulties in creating my project. Whenever I went to export my film I was greeted with an error list. I did not fully understand the terminology being used in the list but the word ‘java’ was repeated over and over again. As I was using the library computers I contacted support and the assured me with a follow up email that all Mac computers in the library had the latest version of Java installed.  The software would not let me export my project more than once. This required me to move computers (with my usb stick with files on it) to a new computer every time I wanted to export. This resulted in me moving computers 5 times in the space of two hour and was a little time consuming but I still managed to get the project done. Another issue I faced was one of my videos would only play for 2 seconds. At the risk of completely wrecking my work I chose to leave the one broken clip rather than try and replace it in the export folder. These are all issues I have learnt and need to address if I am to use Korsakow again.


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