For an hour my group walked around Melbourne central recording all the meditated interactions and communications of media.
- Master Foods aesthetic billboard
- Electronic billboard revealing the latest news
- ‘The Mould’ a cloud that changes size depending on how many people are in Melbourne central
- Girl on the floor on her laptop
- Rug advertising Melbourne Central Bar
- Projection of store label onto the ground
- Electronic billboard of favourites chocolate
- Advertisement of music festival posters
- Information on touch screen
- Different information about getting social for Melbourne central through twitter, Instagram etc
- People consumed on their phones
- Music
- Radio adds
- Social media advertisement (for RPM Fashion) in regards to Instagram and Facebook
- People watching videos on there phones whilst walking around
- Phone
- Facebook notifications
What I noticed when doing this task is that people are constantly consumed in media and that it is fed to us without even noticing. I would walk through Melbourne central and not even think about what I am being advertised but when paying attention Media is every where and different companies are trying to find new and initiative ways to get the attention of society.
I am a big believer in optimism and trying something new, it has taken me many attempts to act upon this but finally I did it and moved to Melbourne. I feel this reveals a lot about myself as I have the drive and determination to make the most out of every opportunity.
- Photograph of myself- visual representation of myself
- Dancing shoes- represent me to be driven and focussed in what I want to achieve
- Representation of music- vinyl record and portable UE boom speaker show that I love a vast range of music and music helps to bring me up in the times I am feeling at a low
- Make up collection- ties together with my dancing and other hobbies. It is something that I feel reflects on the sort of person I am as I always have loved beauty and getting dolled up
- Photograph wall- represents the adventures I have been on in my life and those who have been on the journey, most importantly it shows those who have had a huge influence on my life and impacted where I am today
- Jewellery- King’s College ring. This is the school I went to in my final years, it helped me a lot with where I am today and gave me the support I needed in order to prepare for international studies.
- Talking about dancing as it is one of the many things that makes me the person I am today
- Shows the patience of my personality and the drive I have to continue to dance
- Talking about my friends shows the impact they have on my life, learning from their experiences and backgrounds
- Moving to Melbourne shows my independent traits to get the best possible university education
- Comparison between my life back in New Zealand and my life in Melbourne
- The place I live and the way I decorate my my living space represents a creative self-portrait.
- Cupboard at home is full of my childhood where I am to afraid to throw out anything- represents myself to be a bit of a hoarder and express my huge addiction to soft toys.
- Pan of my room shows my life from a personal view. Shows what my mother thinks of me to be a very tidy and organised young lady
- Comparison to my next video that is of my room at college which is full of clutter and mess
- Expresses about myself that to what I thought I used to be a tidy person and feeling very organised a lot can change when your not under the influence of parental supervision anymore.
Trekked up over 13 flights of stairs to get to my first media tute. I am still in holiday mode but need to get my head back in the game 🙂