Everybody’s A Critic: Week 7
Absentia at its finest currently as I am cruising around the French Riviera, unable to attend class but extremely to see my long lost parents. This week I spent time looking at cultural experiences I would be interested in writing about for PB3. I came to the decision of writing about a restaurant in St Tropez which was not only fine dining but one of the most dramatic experiences I have ever encountered. I have felt comfortable writing about films (not to comfortable sharing that work, yet) so thought it was time to branch out to an experience. I feel this is relevant to what was discussed in week 7’s class about switching from a passive voice to an active voice. It gives a more personal effect on your writing and enhances a voice which I think is extremely important for critical writing as everyone wants to be heard, and appreciated.
I am struggling to know where to start with this piece as since it is a restaurant I think the food is important to comment on (as usually that is the most important factor of future customers) but the visual experience of this restaurant is what really grasped my attention. I have begun to write an incorporation of both approaches but am going to seek advice from Alexia!