Why you are not the ‘star student’ (and how to become one)
Really interesting anecdote we had to read in class today- SO relatable. There are so many people in this world who are ridiculously smart and put in so much effort but never get the recognition for it as they don’t put themselves out there. I completely understand with the author where some people just don’t click as to why they don’t get the same recognition as others, who MIGHT not be as smart but put themselves in the right network. Defiantly in this anecdote it has opened my eyes to the points below that I really do struggle with.
- Being able to talk about your work is critical, but it’s not all about being on stage, 3MT style. You must be able to engage in professional conversations as both a critical and creative contributor
- By spreading herself around, Anna builds a stronger network of support, allies and potential collaborators.
#1: I feel fine with submitting work and getting a grade for it, but I never actually feel comfortable when we have to share this with the class or with other people. I get shy and worried that it is so off from what everyone else is doing/ I don’t want to get judged for it. Something I defiantly need to work on as I want to work in the broadcasting media industry and feel I need to be a confident speaker no matter the out come of what people think.
#2: I defiantly have the personality to have a diverse range of connections, BUT I get comfortable with the people that I relate to easily, therefore do not have a diverse range of friends. This is defiantly something I need to work on for the future as this will lead me to a good position in the world and give me opportunities I would never have gotten without the connections of others.