Individual Essay Feedback

Today in class we recieved feedback on our first essay that went along side our first soundscape. I was quite pleased with my results as I felt very confused by the essay and how broad it was, but with this feedback I feel I understand more about how I need it to be focussed rather that ‘avoiding depth’.

What Adrian said about my essay is that I fall into the error of using craft to avoid biting into the problem. I understand what he means as I do re call feeling anxious to focus and elaborate on something so defined INCASE I am doing it wrong, so felt the safer option was to have a vast approach. Now I know sort of what he wants from the essay I feel I will be able to focus more in-depth on the group essay to each individual operation/ the location recordings.

I am going to get started on a plan for my group essay so we don’t write/ elaborate on the same areas of focus and it covers each individual part of the formed file (audio and video).

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