Personal Feedback on PB1

The first part of this task I felt comfortable with in regarding to describing the aesthetics of my necklace, what is does and what it means to me. The part I struggled with and not sure if I executed to the best of my ability was the video part. We were not able to show the object we were describing, but thats the part that really confused me- what would be suitable to show instead? what fits in with this to make it flow and look comfortable. This is where I really got stuck and didn’t know the right path to take. I feel that this mis understanding of what to put in the video part was seen through my video as I showed many different things that made it seem quite disjointed and not have a lot of flow.

Overall I feel that if I had a better understand of what would’ve worked well with this soundtrack, the success of my video would have been a lot higher. I am not completely disappointed with my efforts as I did spend a lot of my time on this, but I don’t think the full understanding of the assessment was there.

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