Why I think I should blog

At the beginning of our Week 2 Thursday class Adrian has given us a lot more guidance and help about blogging. He started off with a very valid point about using the comparison between blogging and essays. When I finish my degree will I be writing essay’s in the work force OR will my industry use blogs? This seems so simple because since I am wanting to work in the media industry obviously my workforce will have some sort of basis about blogging.

I think that I should blog because soon enough it will become a way of my life and prepare myself for when will get a job involving this. If blogging now starts to become a regular thing and a way of life, it will keep me in the front seat of the media industry and the way that it works today. I think about blogs from an outside point of view and the amount I refer to for advice, knowledge or things that I enjoy to look at. It basically consumes my internet surfacing so why wouldn’t I do that myself.

I think that blogging is also very beneficial to expand upon ideas in class and take it further when I might not understand. It is also a good reference for what I have learnt and areas that I may struggle in more than others.

Basically after this discussion on blogging I have realised how important it is to do this. Not only for now and doing well in this degree, but for the media industry and the way blogs influence others, help you gain knowledge, give you a place to expand on ideas or just simply discuss anything you think is worth it.

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