February 2017 archive

Ecologies of Noticing: WEEK 1

All in all for the first 15 minutes of this first studio I was extremely confused as to what was going on, until I soon realised the depth of noticing that will be required for this studio. Now writing this post I feel a bit more in the clear of what is going on but will be sure to ask questions on Thursday if I am still unsure.

For our first studio today we prepared personal lists of how to maximise our participation for this studio. This is something that only ourselves will be able to mark by the end of the semester to see if we we individually gave as much as we could to get the best possible result. It is one thing to be compose a list of ‘how’ to take every opportunity for a successful result of the class, but also to act upon it and make a recipe for its completion.

For me personally to be able to do this, I know I will need to refer and look over my list of what maximises my participation every week and then reflect and write upon it. I believe this will give me a basis for improvement each week, and also give a good reflection at the end of the semester about what I did well, what I could do better and what I have learnt throughout.