This week my group decided on what we are going to produce for PB4- and that was to follow the horror genre with aspects of Noir and possible bottle drama. We have quite a good story line that I think will contribute nicely to each of these genres as we have now learnt from watching so many films that one film is never just one genre.

To produce a 8-10 minute video we felt that giving the audience a question right from the beginning would make it more intriguing because we are going to start in the middle and not really have a beginning or an ending. I really like this idea because it gives the audience an emotional connection to the film straight away as they sympathise for what they see  and therefore want to find out what happened and why. We have decided to base our film around a women where she has done something bad (killing someone e.g. her husband) and the psychotic break down she goes through in covering it up, hiding it, and flash backs to why it happened. I think this plot is effect because it gets inside the head of the protagonist and can give the audience the decision to either like or dislike her.

I am excited to start working on this and for the remainder of this week we are going to decide on locations and form together a rough script which will plan out our story board.

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