Naughty me didn’t quite make it to the lectorial this morning because I am still sick and haven’t moved from bed all weekend… I was lucky enough to see there was quite a few notes about what was discussed in this lectorial about what we need to do for the final part of Media One and the plan for the studio use next semester.

What I have started to look at is the reflection that we need to produce for the end of the semester. What I decided to do was go through my Media One blog and look at the depth of all my posts and see which ones included more critical thinking then others about different topics we have looked over the past 12 weeks. I then copied and pasted them into a document so when it comes to the time when I need to write my reflection I want to be able to link to the posts that are most reflective of my learning and show the development of my understanding in the media industry. Personally I am quite happy with my Media One blog and I think I have produced some good posts which easily explain what we have learnt, and even my own understanding on some parts of it.

Before I focus on this, I need to get a move on with my part in the PB4 Video Essay and think about the angle of the area of focus I am going to look at. For the audio essay I looked at how women in superhero films reflect women in society and I want to continue along this same path for my contribution to the video essay, but I think that in order for it to work in the video essay I need to look at it in a more visual way rather then expressed through words. Some of the ideas I have for this is to look at specific Marvel characters that show this portrayal of an image of women and use video/visual effects to portray my argument. Also another possible area I want to look at is how society automatically represent women in superhero narratives to be sexualised, for example if you were ever to think about super women or cat women and for say dress up as them, you are always expected to wear minimal clothing and dress as a ‘sexy’ image rather then a masculine image that saves the world. I will talk to my group about this soon so I can get started on researching into these ideas and develop them a bit more.

There were 2 areas of this Lectorial I was a bit shaky on which I will need to talk to Brian in the Workshop which was the learning graph that we need to produce and what happens next semester with the media studios. I get the concept of the learning graph but not actually quite sure how to produce one accurate to what I have actually learnt. Also with the studios I understand the idea that we split off into different learning areas and we need to put our preferences in for that but i’m unsure when this takes place and about the thing we have go and listen to on the 9th of June.

I am now going to look in depth into PB4 and talk to my group about what I can do in my part to make this successful.

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