Week 11 Reading #1: Culture and Technology

The first reading of this was a discussion about the relationships between culture and technology. These two mediums have a close connection now in the twenty first century because of the way technology has taken over our everyday lives to retrieve information and produce it. One quote that stood out to me in this reading was “The computer is an extension of the brain”. I find this very true, people continue to argue that we depend to much on technology, but it can be so useful and help us function to a better ability of our everyday lives. This also particularly contrasts with the media industry. Without technology, media itself would not be able to grow at the rapid pace that it is. It is a given that the media industry is one of the most dominant in society today where it grasps the attention of society all over the world in, and without technology platforms it would not be able to do that. Back to the realtionship of technology and culture, in this reading the writer made it very clear that it is hard to define the meaning of culture, but it focuses around the idea of human activities and what people do beyond their basic necessities. This is shown to relate to technology because it is “used to transform their natural environment”. It is easy to understand what technology means, and what culture means but to put them together I find is more difficult to people to understand. What I got from this reading was the idea that technology helps put our cultural identity into works, for example as I said before culture is about how human activities, and technology helps us do that. These two areas have a close bond where cultural activities are becoming dependent on technology. A key example that they used in this reading was tourism. Tourism has become the world’s biggest industry because of technology, and this is also a culture because it is something that people do beyond their basic necessities.

What I think was important to take away from this reading was about the realtionship between culture and technology and how it plays a huge part in peoples everyday lives. If you think about it carefully every decision or move someone makes plays a part on the culture you are personally involved in, and in some point you will rely on technology to develop that. I found this reading really interesting because I always look at the two as separate, but really they feed each other and societies everyday lives

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