Week 9 Lectorial: Copyright & Audiences

This weeks lecture was focussed upon copyright. This is a subject I haven’t really thought much into specifically because I have never done a published project where I have to be concerned about it. I have heard about stories where people have had issues with copyright in their assignments, but I think I need to start applying this to myself also. I think I get a bit lazy when I source my work which I need to start being more careful about because every country has such different copyright laws and getting into a situation of this would be extremely unfortunate.

In this lectorial we also discussed the idea of audiences, I really like talking about this because it shows the idea of what media does to brainwash and manipulate people into believing in order to attract attention. One part of this lectorial that stood out to me was the idea of films and how they are becoming so similar to people’s everyday lives. Audiences watch these films and aspire to be much like the protagonist/antagonists in the films which sometimes can be so unrealistic. Viewing content in media I believe is hard concept to grasp on because their is such a wide range of audiences and they all like to see and witness different things. This makes me have a huge appreciation for directors that produce films a vast variety of audiences enjoy act upon.

I know personally I watch some films and really admire a character and what to be like them, even so I imagine to be like them. This is much what the aim of directors is to audiences and those who are successfully doing this are talented in which knowing what is liked by many viewers.

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