Media Lectorial Week 7- Collaboration: a dominant role in the media industry

In this weeks lectorial we focussed on the idea of collaboration- I have never thought about ‘group work’ and or ‘team work’ in the media industry but when putting thought into it- Media revolves a lot around collaboration. In regards to working in a successful business specifically in the media- you need to be able to work with other people, and not always think that your ideas are the best ones. Sometimes this happens to me when working in a group environment because I want to get it done effectively and fast- but for PB #4 I really want to do my best to be inclusive of everyones ideas in order to get the best possible result.

I think that the most important part in having a successful group activity is having a clear objective so everyone has the same focus/intention for the final result. I feel like it is really important to be in the same level as everyone else and no one is doing more work then the other. At the end of the day group work/collaboration may not seem as easy as it sounds as everyone has different ideas and approaches about something. In order to overcome possible obstacles that might arise you need to have a solution from the beginning about how you will overcome two things that might not work together and or clashing of ideas.

I am looking forward to completing PB #4 because I feel like it is important to share ideas and develop on them in order to advance yourself in the specific area. In this case- I am looking forward to learning different opinions and sides about Media that I may not of personally looked at before which I think will also be beneficial to my blogging.

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