Week 5 Reading #2: Protagonists

This reading was a bit of a blast from the past with my year 12 media class where we focussed closely on the protagonists relationship with the audience and how they need to create an empathic relationship in order for the audience to form a relationship with the character. I have always understood the idea of a protagonist and the characteristics they need in order to be successful- but particularly in this reading it stood out to me the point raised about how the audience needs to draw empathy for the protagonist, but sympathy is optional. I have never thought about this closely but it seems true, it is 50/50 to the idea that we either like or hate the protagonist, but they always have to do something in order for us to share an interest in them (empathy) otherwise it wouldn’t be a successful film. See, if I was ever to create a film I would automatically think I needed a protagonist with a sad life, in a bad situation in order to gain interest from the audience from the beginning. This is shown in the reading that this is not always what has to be done, in order to have a successful film your protagonist needs to at least have the chance to desire something and have hope in order to complete the ‘3 act setup rule’ otherwise audiences will not engage with the directors intentions the way that was hoped.

I always find films most interesting when it isn’t shown straight in your face that the protagonist has an issue, I like to be challenged in order to find out what will happen e.g. something bag happening to someone really good- it makes us have empathy for them more rather them feeling sympathetic to their situation. I have a lot of thoughts running through my head about this in regards to films I have already watched: but this will defiantly be something I will comment on later in regards to relationships between the protagonist and the audience.

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