Introduction to Sony MC50 and Interview Exercise: Week 5 Workshop

I found this exercise a bit of a blast from the past as in my last year of school we spent a lot of time filming and editing together different shot types. I think this is important to experiment with because in a successful film you can see the perspective of different characters to understand the narrative more clearly and the intention of the producer/director.

One problem I encountered when editing this was making it flow together more or less because we filmed outside and inside. I feel as if I needed to have a few more cutaway shots in order to transition from being outside to inside. For the mean time to overcome this I used a fade and just continued on the interviewing technique to make it look like the interviewer was just selecting random people about survival to university. I feel as if the most successful shots were the interviewing ones because we zoomed in on the faces of both the interviewee and interviewer to see their reactions to the questions and emotions. I feel as if this put a more personal front on the film to show they actually cared about what they were interviewing about. What I personally discovered about the camera techniques is that it is best to have the interviewer on the side of the frame so you can see the location of where you are shooting and also if someone walks into the frame the composition works well so that you can see both people (mid waist up) and also the surroundings they are in.

Next time if I was to do this exercise again I would film more tracking/cut away shots to transition from being outdoors to indoors so the film flowed more chronologically.

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