Archive forAugust, 2014

Amazing Posts

August 26, 2014 | Leave a Comment

So part of the participation task is that commenting on our friends works. I have the chance to read Mia’s amazing concept when she talks about how media and architecture are similar to one another. Her writing is superb and it makes people to want to read it. Despite not really understanding some of the […]

Today symposium is like a merry-go-round, it made my head spins. The context of today symposium was quite deep and it could be debated over and over depends on how deep someone knows about it. There were 3 questions. First, Can technology progress independently of art and culture. There were a variety of answer for […]

One of the main reading for week 5 is by Landow who mention that how hypertext first started off for print dissemination to hang annotation and commentary. This is what we do nowadays when we write blogs or a web, we put the reference list or certain information in writing in the form of hypertext, rather […]

One of the reading for this week by Bolter, talks about the difference in writing by hand and writing by machine/printing. He mention that we lose a part of our identity when we type rather than when we write, here he discussed how some of our personal nature is somewhat lost in the ever growing […]

Today symposium makes me think what are the difference between hypertext and hyperlink. It turns out that hyperlink is the link and hypertext is the text with link. Hah so funny. So hyperlink is a tool that is used to transfer readers to another page. It is a link and is reference in a hypertext […]

Symposium 5

August 19, 2014 | Leave a Comment

This week symposium is about hypertext, there were three questions. First, How is hypertext relevant to us as media practitioners. Secondly, What prediction about network literacy should we be aware of. Third and finally, what are the consequences of being network illiterate. I have to say today symposium is both interesting and complicated at the […]


August 18, 2014 | Leave a Comment

Nelson talks on ‘Hypertext’ as something which is non-sequential writing which means that the text written will not only stay in one place and talks about one thing, instead it will branch out and allow the readers to have a choice just like so many other things in the world do that to us too […]

These last few days has been one of the most hectic days I’ve ever had. Every single day I would be outside the house from 9am in the morning and won’t be back till at 6/7pm. This is the first time I have truly experience a crazy uni days, my previous semesters are nothing compare […]

This weeks reading  from As We May Think talks about the future machine, technology, and knowledge. The author Dr. Vannevar Bush, being a great doctor is very interested to the development of science and therefore the future machine that will help science growth, he discussed how technology has changed and how it continuously developed and […]

This week we look deeper into the reading we have done. One of the things discussed is about the validity of stuff and information we found in the internet. There are numbers of way to check whether the information we are looking at is valid or not, personally I try to look on a trusted […]

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