Methods of Working-What is a bad scene?

Most of my research so far has focussed on what it is that makes a good scene. In order to further convey what it is that makes a scene visually compelling, I need to ask the opposite, what is a bad scene?

I believe that a scene in which the storyline is the only true meaningful information depicted is not a successful scene. A scene that relies on narrative rather than visuals doesn’t have intricate layers of meaning. There is nothing for the audience to decipher for themselves, there is nothing for them to perceive from visual cues. In a scene poorly told,  everything is suggested through dialogue. A bad scene is a scene that lacks dynamic and aesthetic visuals. It lacks artistic quality. The scene is created purely for the means of directly expressing the story to the audience.

A scene without visual style and dynamics is a scene that is shot in the most basic and simple form.  No risks are made with the camera. The camera movements follow the character that is talking. It is shot and then reverse shot dialogue. There are no cut aways to symbolic objects and no motifs used.


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