Investigation 2- Handheld camera

Here is the handheld test shoot that I did- I added in a few more shots than I had originally intended because I was also practising with the camera. When doing these shots I moved the camera around and tried to create the shakiness. I only moved the camera slightly up and down, left and right so that the focus was still on the subject-not on the camera movements. I noticed that as I moved further away from the subject into a medium-long shot, the handheld camera movements began to look awkward and were quite distracting.

I tried a shot from outside looking into the room through a window. The handheld camera worked effectively here as it created a voyeuristic shot. This was a good exercise because it allowed me to see that handheld doesn’t work in certain shots. I would like to incorporate a mix between handheld and tripod shots in my future shoots.

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