Methods of working: Visual style-The image system

From further readings of Gustavo Mercado’s book ‘The Filmmaker’s Eye’ I have come across a term that is unknown to me called ‘the image system’. According to Mercado the term was developed my film theorists who were trying to create a ‘systematic understanding of film through analysis of images, editing patterns, shot composition, and ideological tendencies of certain directors.’ (pg.21). Gustavo suggests that in some film theories, image systems have been used to decipher and figure out deeper meanings from the visuals. These meanings depict the connotations that particular images have ‘in addition to their literal meaning’. (pg.21).

I think it would be useful for me to explore the ways in which visuals are used in films to create connotations and symbols. I would like to employ some of these within my scene in order to use visuals to convey the narrative.

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